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Make your Career future-proof with Certified Data Protection Officer Certification

Make your Career future-proof with Certified Data Protection Officer Certification


We live in the age of a digital economy running on data-driven organisations. As digitalisation sweeps across all spheres, so does the job opportunity increments in this sector. Data Privacy and protection has emerged as one of the most lucrative sectors after the internet’s dawn. Reports state that even the average basic salary of a Data protection officer in India is around 9 Lakhs per Annum. This is not surprising considering the huge demand for trained professionals across industries. 

In this blog, we will be discussing the importance and requirement of data protection officers in organisations across the board. We will elaborate on the certifications required to enhance one’s skill and get them ready for this role which is not only important in today’s age but importance in an organisation will only go up as digitalisation increases.

Data Protection Officer

The Designation and role of a data protection officer first came into limelight and importance in the European Jurisdiction under the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) Regime. This requirement does not stem from the increasing volumes of data companies are handling and are going to handle in future but a regulatory push rather to foster and inculcate a culture of data privacy and protection within companies functioning in the European Jurisdiction.

The Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2018/1725 mandates that all EU institutions or companies in the jurisdiction appoint a Data Protection officer. Gradually DPOs are now being appointed across several jurisdictions due to the streamlining and efficiency perks they contribute to. The DPO has been trusted with ensuring compliance of the companies with data protection laws, rules & regulations of the jurisdiction. Their importance is even more in organisations dealing with critical and sensitive information. They serve as a point of contact between the company, its clients and other State authorities.

Also, read IAPP certifications and GDPR.

In addition to the GDPR, India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023 (DPDPA) that received the Presidential Assent on August 11th, 2023, mandates certain companies that have been designated as Significant Data Fiduciaries will have to appoint a Data Protection Officer. The term Data Fiduciary refers to any person who determines the purpose and means for processing personal data. However, Significant Data Fiduciaries are those Data Fiduciaries that have been Notified as such by the Central Government. These Significant Data Fiduciaries have additional obligations including the mandatory appointment of Data Protection Officer and conducting periodic Data Protection Impact Assessments and Data Audits.

The Data Fiduciaries under the DPDPA have a responsibility to represent the fiduciary and be a point of contact for grievance redressal under the Act. As a result of this, the demand for Data Protection Officers in India have increased vastly and will continue to increase as the new Act starts to take shape in the Indian Privacy Market.

Duties of the Data Protection Officer

The responsibilities and duties of the DPO include but are not limited to:

  • Employee Awareness: Ensuring that the Company and its employees, data controllers or processors about their data protection responsibilities.
  • Monitoring & Compliance: The DPO is entrusted to make sure that the company is compliant with all data protection laws, rules and policies relevant to its jurisdiction. The compliance is monitored on a day-to-day basis by carrying out evaluations and audits of the data processing and handling operations.
  • Risk Assessment: this is ensured by conducting Risk assessments on the data governance model of the organisation to locate points of vulnerabilities and resolve them if found.
  • Point of Contact: The DPO also acts as a point of contact and intermediary between various components/teams of an organisation. They are also the go-to people for any queries related to the data protection aspects of the organisation.

The importance of the role of DPOs in an organisation is highlighted by the European Data Protection Board, which requires DPOs to work with independence and without any internal or external pressures on their functioning. It has further been recognised and highlighted under the DPDA and is mandatory for Significant Data Fiduciaries. Therefore it is imperative that for DPOs to be able to perform their role, they must be trained in not only basic principles of data privacy and protection but as well as skills required to formulate and run a privacy management system in place. 


The certifications in the Data Privacy and Protection sector play a crucial role in providing industries with trained professionals to meet their demands. Several credible organisations in touch with the industry have created several certification(s) which provide the skills and know-how for a professional to perform in the capacity of a DPO.

One such Certification that stands out and allows an individual to fully grasp the understanding and skills needed to be a DPO is Tsaaro Academy’s C-DPO (Certified – Data Protection Officer Certification). This Certification explores the foundations of Indian Privacy Laws and equips individuals with the in-depth understanding of India’s DPDPA. Unlike traditional theoretical approaches to learning, Tsaaro Academy promotes learning through practical exercises based on real-life scenarios. This C-DPO Course covers all the important elements to become a renowned DPO in the Indian Industry and covers important topics including Data Protection Impact Assessments, Privacy Policy, Data Principal Rights, Data Breach Management and much more.

For individuals interested in the Role of DPOs under the GDPR, Tsaaro Academy’s CIPP/E (Certified Information Privacy Professional/Europe) Certification is a must have Certification. As an official Partner to the IAPP, Tsaaro Academy’s CIPP/E is perfect for individuals wanting to become a DPO in Europe. The Course empowers individuals with the knowledge and skills to help individuals and organizations comply with GDPR regulations and implement effective privacy programs. By training with Tsaaro Academy, you’ll have access to privacy expert trainers, practical case studies, and interactive sessions that will enhance your knowledge and skills. You’ll also receive a recognized certification upon completion that will boost your professional credibility and career prospects.


The recognition of DPOs has been increasing tremendously as Data Privacy Regulations are taking centre stage globally. Under the GDPR, DPOs are necessary for organizations to ensure compliance with the strict norms of the GDPR and in India, the DPDPA makes it mandatory for certain companies to appoint DPOs. As a result, the demand for DPOs in the Indian and European Market has surged resulting in a vast number of career opportunities and perspectives. Hence, it is essential for individuals to undertake training to avail the new opportunities in the market and Tsaaro Academy’s courses makes it easier and affordable for interested individuals to be a part of this new Digital Revolution. With the rapid growth of DPO opportunities in India, do not miss the opportunity to be a part of the new Digital Revolution.



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