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All you need to know about the relation between GDPR and ISO 27001

All you need to know about the relation between GDPR and ISO 27001​


Numerous nations throughout the planet have started to pass enactment that manages how organisations can gather and utilise shopper information, which forces specific guidelines of protection and security that organisations should meet while possessing that information. One milestone piece of enactment showed up in 2018 when the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into power. The GDPR applies to all part conditions of the EU and the European Economic Area (EEA). Extra protection guidelines have arisen from that point forward, and getting what everyone requires and whom it influences can be unwieldy. Through this article, we will try to bring some clarity to the conversation by clarifying the contrast between GDPR and ISO 27001.

What is GDPR?

The GDPR commands that all organisations carrying on with work inside the EU or that gather the information of EU residents should conform to strict principles to secure that individual information. It urges associations to deal with their information security by prescriptive accepted procedures. It requires the consistency of information regulators (organisations that gather the data) and information processors (organisations that interact with information for the benefit of others).

What is ISO 27001?

ISO 27001, or ISO/IEC 27001, is a worldwide norm for data security the board frameworks (ISMS) that associations can take on. ISO 27001 was set up by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) in 2005 and later reconsidered in 2013 and 2017. The standard incorporates necessities for making, executing, overseeing, and developing a broad framework of the organisation’s data security. This guarantees that associations will get their data resources and secure against information breaks. All associations that can meet the ISO 27001 particulars can look for confirmation from a licensed establishment to direct a review to guarantee consistency.

How are GDPR and ISO 27001 related to each other?

ISO 27001 is a structure that generally requires a danger based way to deal with the administration of primary and personal information and data and their related supporting resources. The GDPR is tied in with dealing with the danger to the fundamental right that a characteristic individual has regarding individual information. Both are hazard orientated and require the distinguishing proof of trouble and arranging and executing the essential controls to change levels to an OK level. ISO 27001 incorporates encryption of individual information and, as a component of the business coherence, arranges the capacity to reestablish and recuperate data and information without wasting time. 

As per the GDPR, individual information is essential data that all associations need to ensure. Nonetheless, some EU GDPR necessities are not straightforwardly covered in ISO 27001, for example, supporting the privileges of individual information subjects: the option to be educated, the opportunity to have their information erased, and information versatility.

Differences between GDPR and ISO 27001

There are extensive contrasts between the Data Protection Act and GDPR. The GDPR is unequivocally hazard-based; the danger is to the centre-right of an individual concerning the handling of individual information – information regulators and processors should deal with that danger. Interestingly, the Data Protection Act infers the board of hazard. The central distinction between the Data Protection Act and GDPR is that the Data Protection Act applies just to the UK. In contrast, the GDPR applies to the entire EU and, vitally, additionally to any worldwide organisation which holds information on EU residents. The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). At the same time, a Supervisory Authority will check the GDPR consistency in the UK, with every European nation having its own Supervisory Authority.

  • ISO 27001 is an intentional affirmation that expects associations to adopt a danger based strategy to oversee touchy information. Interestingly, the GDPR intends to secure the individual information of EU residents, and consistency with the GDPR is required for most associations working in Europe or with EU residents. 
  • Both ISO 27001 and the GDPR do spin around hazards, and both direct associations to recognise specific dangers and controls that can carry those dangers to an OK level. 
  • Concerning information, ISO 27001 fuses encryption as a feature of business congruency the executives just as the ability to reestablish information when necessary, without wasting any time. Along similar lines, the GDPR sees individual information as something that all associations should ensure. 
  • Where the two guidelines contrast is in their necessities. For instance, the GDPR incorporates the right of a shopper to have their information eliminated, just as the option to control how the data is imparted to outsiders (otherwise called information transportability). ISO 27001 doesn’t straightforwardly incorporate such arrangements.

Similarities between GDPR and ISO 27001

The two are comparative yet entirely not indistinguishable. The following are a couple of instances where ISO 27001 and the GDPR cross-over, where consistency with ISO 27001 can assist an association with GDPR guidelines.

  • GDPR and ISO 27001 both require breach notifications at different levels

  • Under both ISO 27001 and the GDPR, organisations should tell administrative specialists of a break of individual information within 72 hours of finding it. ISO 27001 likewise contains principles intended to guarantee that data security episodes are dealt with reliably. 
  • The fundamental contrast, nonetheless, is that the GDPR specifies that shoppers (or information subjects) be advised when the break represents a great danger of infringing upon them. 
  • Infosec arrangements assist associations in being better prepared to recognise, report, and oversee individual information occurrences; and keep up with consistency with the GDPR.

  • Both GDPR and ISO 27001 mandate all regulatory and contractual requirements to be laid out

  • To acquire an ISO 27001 accreditation, associations should make all authoritative and legally binding necessities identified with their business and their clients access to evaluators so that the review group can affirm consistency. 
  • GDPR likewise orders that all legal and authoritative prerequisites be made accessible to guarantee consistency.


The GDPR essentially spins around how close to home information is gathered, where ISO 27001 gives direction concerning how data gathered can stay secret and secure. Moreover, GDPR’s fundamental mandate is to secure people’s right to protection and give buyers certain privileges to perceive how information of theirs is gathered, put away, and shared. ISO 27001, then again, is concerned more with the security controls around the information. 


Assuming you’d prefer to study how you can guarantee consistency with GDPR or ISO 27001 in your association, finish up the structure underneath to see a demo on how we can assist with directing your association to trust in infosec hazard and consistency.

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